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Substance Use Services

We at Modoc Behavioral Health understand that people with addictions have a  difficult road to recovery, and we are here to help you get the care and support you need, offering you the best services as well as rehabilitation programs.

We offer substance use treatment services for people who have found themselves using substances in such ways as to interfere with them being the BEST PERSON living the BEST LIFE that they can be. 

We are Modoc.  We understand.  We are here. 

Currently, to get started specifically for substance use disorder services, we work with a company called Beacon Health Options (Beacon) for starting-up substance use disorder services (SUD).  Beacon counselors are ready to help you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to ask you about your current situation, and refer you to immediate help after they have "screened" you for needs. 

 This trained health care provider, or drug and alcohol counselor, will ask some questions over the phone.
You will be connected to a treatment provider conference-call  (usually this will call our front staff at our number, 530-233-6312), and Beacon will help you set up your appointment with the most appropriate care, based on how you answer the screening questions.  Toward the end of the call, you will be offered access to treatment providers in your area.

Sometimes, if you are in serious withdrawal or have a history of serious substance withdrawal, it may be recommended to start by getting medical help to detox safely in the Emergency Room.

Rehab.  In-Patient Facilities.  If Beacon determines to recommend that you relocate to a safe environment in one of the Medi-CAL covered (Through Partnership Health of CA) in-patient rehabilitation facilities, they may still refer you to the local Behavioral Health Office, to get help with your "placement," and matching you to the best available fit for your specific and unique life situation.

 Call Beacon at:

TTY Users call:
(800)735-2929 OR 711 
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